Abyssruium: il titolo annunciato per l’approdo sull’eShop di Nintendo Switch

Poche ore fa è stato annunciato l’arrivo di un nuovo titolo indipendente, Abyssruium, disponibile nei prossimi mesi sul Nintendo eShop di Switch.

Il titolo mobile di Idle Idea Factory e Flero Games, scaricato sugli store per 25 milioni di volte, con circa 800.000 giocatori attivi, verrà ben presto pubblicato sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare informazioni sul titolo, in calce all’articolo.

Abyssruium is created by Idle Idea Factory who developed “Quest” the schedule managing app selected as an appstore editor’s choice. Abyssrium has a concept that a little stone under the deep see spewing life and energy creating corals and fish.

Anyone can easily play this game by just tapping the screen which creates lives. Also corals creating the lives without tapping makes the game a lot raiser.

This game has realized deep undersea that you could not experience by other games using high quality of low-polygon 3D. Also tranquil and lyrical sound get along with the graphic enlarges the level of immersion.

You can unlock hundreds species of fish and twenties species of coral one by one. You can also decorate your fish bowl by placing your fish freely.

This game will never got boring with 3 Powerful skills unlocking according to the level of stone, event that your status goes twice as much at every 25th level, and dozens of achievement which continually renew a goal the game.

This game provides 3D capture function. Users can move, rotate, magnifies, and reduce camera on a paused screen and captures the moment to save and share.

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